Does Psychology Make a Difference in Our Lives
In the article “Does Psychology Make a Significant Difference in Our Lives?” Philip G. Zimbardo (2004) offers many examples of ways psychology has made—and continues to make—a positive impact on individuals, communities, and society as a whole. Zimbardo noted that psychological research has changed the way parents interact with their children, businesses interact with their employees, and health practitioners interact with their patients. Among the cases referenced, Zimbardo mentions that social psychological research on the negative effects of segregated schools was used in Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, KS, the landmark 1954 Supreme Court decision that formally desegregated public schools.
For this paper, you will examine the settings or issues presented in the Zimbardo article and determine their relevance in our current culture. You will also evaluate our culture for additional settings or issues that ought to be on the list.
To Prepare
Read Phillip G. Zimbardo’s (2004) article, “Does Psychology Make a Significant Difference in Our Lives?” In this article, Zimbardo lists various settings or issues (e.g., factory work, parenting, political polling) in which psychological research has been of great benefit. Consider today’s world and think about which setting or issue discussed in the article should remain on the list. Then, consider which setting or issue not discussed in the article, such as social media or childhood obesity, should be included on the list and why. Find a scholarly article to support your position.
Write an explanation of which setting or issue you believe should remain on the list and why. Next, explain what issue should be added to the list today. Describe it, and argue for its necessary placement. Be sure to incorporate references from an academic article that supports your recommendation. (750 words).
Document: An online career-exploration resources for psychology majors (PDF).
Appleby, D. C. (2015) (PDF). An Online Career-exploration Resources for Psychology Majors. Retrieved from Used with permission of Drew Appleby.
Van der Heijden, B. I. J. M. (2002). Individual career initiatives and their influence upon professional expertise development throughout the career. International Journal of Training and Development, 6(2), 54–79.
Note: Retrieved from Walden Library databases.
Zimbardo, P. G. (2004). Does psychology make a significant difference in our lives? American Psychologist, 59(5), 339–351.
Note: Retrieved from Walden Library databases.
Note: This is a seminal article.
U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2015). Occupational outlook handbook. Retrieved from
This website provides information about various jobs, including descriptions of the type of work performed, educational requirements, and job outlook. From the main menu, under “Occupation Groups,” click on Life, Physical, and Social Science Occupations and then Psychologists.
Buzinski, S. (2016). The college student’s guide to pre-professional psychology opportunities. Retrieved from…
American Psychological Association. (2015). PsycCareers: APA’s online career center. Retrieved from
O*net online. (n.d.). Retrieved April 11, 2016, from (n.d.). Psychology job resources mega-list. Retrieved April 11, 2016, from
Dr. Kit. (2011). Psychology. Retrieved from
Walden University. (2015b). Common course assignments: Abstracts. Retrieved from…
Walden University. (2016). Career services: Achieve your professional goals. Retrieved from…
Walden University. (2015d). Self-knowledge: Home. Retrieved from…
Walden University. (2015e). Social and behavioral sciences: Psychology. Retrieved from…
Optimal Resume. (2016). Retrieved from
Note: This resource includes 5 modules and over 100 resume and cover letter samples by career field.