CAEX6061G25 Walden University WK 8 Identifying SMART Goals Assignment

CAEX6061G25 Walden University WK 8 Identifying SMART Goals Assignment

CAEX6061G25 Walden University WK 8 Identifying SMART Goals Assignment

It is time to review your writing process by examining where you were when you started the course and by looking ahead to any further needs.

Your perception of your writing process needs may have changed since the beginning of the course. How have your needs have changed, and what goals will you set for yourself as you continue your scholarly career? Here, you will take these findings and use them to identify strategies and goals that are specificmeasureableattainablerealistic, andtimely (S.M.A.R.T.) to help you continue advancing your scholarly writing.


To prepare for this Discussion:

  • Review your Self-Assessment from the Week 1 Discussion and consider how your goals might be tailored to further develop your scholarly writing.
  • Review the SMART Goals website in the Learning Resources.
  • Develop at least three SMART goals to help advance your scholarly writing. Use the SMART Goals Template from the website to ensure your goals are realistic.
  • Determine which Learning Resources might be appropriate to help you continue to improve your scholarly writing.


Post your three S.M.A.R.T. goals, and explain how these goals will help you move forward in your scholarly writing. Explain the barriers you might encounter that may hinder accomplishing your goals. Also, explain how you might address these barriers to completing your goals.

Note: Be sure to support your post with specific references to the resources. If you are using additional articles, be sure to provide full APA-formatted citations for your references.



4/16/2019 Goal Setting – Writing a Paper – Academic Guides at Walden University Writing Center Search Writing Center Writing Help Grammar & Composition Search Scholarly Writing Writing APACenter Style/ Writing a Paper About/ Goal Setting Writing a Paper: Goal Setting  Report a broken link Overview Goal Setting Overview Web Page Feedback Why Set a Writing Goal How to Set a Writing Goal  Print Page Overview Starting the writing process is daunting. Some writers prefer to jump right to drafting, whereas others have trouble figuring out what the first sentence should be. What sometimes gets lost in the writing process is the importance of setting writing goals. Writing goals are a vital part of the writing process. Writing goals establish purpose and connection between small writing tasks and help to develop transferrable skills that