Agenda Comparison Grid and Fact Sheet Assignment

Agenda Comparison Grid and Fact Sheet Assignment

Agenda Comparison Grid and Fact Sheet Assignment

Part 1: Agenda Comparison Grid

Use the Agenda Comparison Grid Template found in the Learning Resources and complete the Part 1: Agenda Comparison Grid based on the current/sitting U.S. president and the two previous presidential administrations and their agendas related to the public health concern you selected. Be sure to address the following:

Identify and provide a brief description of the population health concern you selected and the factors that contribute to it.

Describe the administrative agenda focus related to the issue you selected.
Identify the allocations of financial and other resources that the current and two previous presidents dedicated to this issue.

Explain how each of the presidential administrations approached the issue.
(A draft of Part 1: Agenda Comparison Grid should be posted to the Module 1 Discussion Board by Day 3 of Week 1.)

Assignment: Agenda Comparison Grid and Fact Sheet or Talking Points Brief

It may seem to you that healthcare has been a national topic of debate among political leaders for as long as you can remember.

Healthcare has been a policy item and a topic of debate not only in recent times but as far back as the administration of the second U.S. president, John Adams. In 1798, Adams signed legislation requiring that 20 cents per month of a sailor’s paycheck be set aside for covering their medical bills. This represented the first major piece of U.S. healthcare legislation, and the topic of healthcare has been woven into presidential agendas and political debate ever since.

As a healthcare professional, you may be called upon to provide expertise, guidance and/or opinions on healthcare matters as they are debated for inclusion into new policy. You may also be involved in planning new organizational policy and responses to changes in legislation. For all of these reasons you should be prepared to speak to national healthcare issues making the news.

In this Assignment, you will analyze recent presidential healthcare agendas. You also will prepare a fact sheet to communicate the importance of a healthcare issue and the impact on this issue of recent or proposed policy.

To Prepare:

  • Review the agenda priorities of the current/sitting U.S. president and the two previous presidential administrations.
  • Select an issue related to healthcare that was addressed by each of the last three U.S. presidential administrations.
  • Reflect on the focus of their respective agendas, including the allocation of financial resources for addressing the healthcare issue you selected.
  • Consider how you would communicate the importance of a healthcare issue to a legislator/policymaker or a member of their staff for inclusion on an agenda.

The Assignment: (1- to 2-page Comparison Grid, 1-Page Analysis, and 1-page narrative) with a title page, an introduction, purpose statement, and a conclusion. This is an APA paper.

Agenda Comparison Grid and Fact Sheet Assignment Part 1: Agenda Comparison Grid

Use the Agenda Comparison Grid Template found in the Learning Resources and complete the Part 1: Agenda Comparison Grid based on the current/sitting U.S. president and the two previous presidential administrations and their agendas related to the public health concern you selected. Be sure to address the following:

  • Identify and provide a brief description of the population health concern you selected and the factors that contribute to it.
  • Describe the administrative agenda focus related to the issue you selected.
  • Identify the allocations of financial and other resources that the current and two previous presidents dedicated to this issue.
  • Explain how each of the presidential administrations approached the issue.
  • At least 3 resources must be used

Agenda Comparison Grid and Fact Sheet Assignment Part 2: Agenda Comparison Grid Analysis

Using the information you recorded in Part 1: Agenda Comparison Grid on the template, complete the Part 2: Agenda Comparison Grid Analysis portion of the template, by addressing the following:

  • Which administrative agency would most likely be responsible for helping you address the healthcare issue you selected?
  • How do you think your selected healthcare issue might get on the agenda for the current and two previous presidents? How does it stay there?
  • Who would you choose to be the entrepreneur/ champion/sponsor of the healthcare issue you selected for the current and two previous presidents?

Agenda Comparison Grid and Fact Sheet Assignment Part 3: Narrative

Using the information recorded on the template in Parts 1 and 2, develop a 1-page narrative that you could use to communicate with a policymaker/legislator or a member of their staff for this healthcare issue. Be sure to address the following:

  • Summarize why this healthcare issue is important and should be included in the agenda for legislation.
  • Justify the role of the nurse in agenda setting for healthcare issues.
  • The response fully integrates at least 2 outside resources and 2-3 course specific resources that fully supports the summary provided.

By Day 7 of Week 2

Submit your final version of Part 1: Agenda Comparison Grid, Part 2: Agenda Comparison Grid Analysis, and Part 3: Narrative.

Submission and Grading Information

To submit your completed Assignment for review and grading, do the following:

  • Please save your Assignment using the naming convention “WK2Assgn+last name+first initial.(extension)” as the name.
  • Click the Week 2 Assignment Rubric to review the Grading Criteria for the Assignment.
  • Click the Week 2 Assignment link. You will also be able to “View Rubric” for grading criteria from this area.
  • Next, from the Attach File area, click on the Browse My Computer button. Find the document you saved as “WK2Assgn+last name+first initial.(extension)” and click Open.
  • If applicable: From the Plagiarism Tools area, click the checkbox for I agree to submit my paper(s) to the Global Reference Database.
  • Click on the Submit button to complete your submission.

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Agenda Comparison Grid and Fact Sheet or Talking Points Brief Sample

Administration (President Name) (Current President)Donald Trump (2017 – ) (Previous President)Barack Obama (2009 – 2017) (Previous President)George W. Bush (2001 – 2009)
Describe the administrative agenda focus related to this issue for the current and two previous presidents. The government reports that 42,000 Americans die from opioid overdoses every year, and this is a source of concern. Following this awareness, President Trump declared the opioid crisis a public health emergency in October 2017. The specific action undertaken was to unveil the ‘Stop Opioid Abuse’ initiative in 2018. Also, the government unveiled the Safer Prescribing Plan that seeks to reduce opioid prescription by 33% within 3 years. In addition, the government is working with Congress to pass the Support Act (The White House, 2019). Although the Obama administration did not introduce any new legislation to address the Opioid crisis, it galvanized Congress to support intervention and rehabilitation efforts. This occurred under the agenda of pushing Congress to provide resources for treatment. Agenda Comparison Grid and Fact Sheet . In addition, the government equipped health care personnel to improve prescription drug monitoring, educated prescribers, encouraged safe pain management approaches, funded research on opioid misuse and overdose, expanded telemedicine, improved support for persons in recovery, and supported safe disposal of unneeded opioids(Office of the Press Secretary, The White House). The opioid crisis first came into attention in 2006 when the Office of National Drug Control Policy presented a national strategy that identified oxycodone (an opioid) as the second most commonly abused opioid in the USA. Given that the issue had been newly identified towards the end of Bush administration, the government did not deem it a priority to address the issues. In fact, the government glossed over the issue with the neither the surgeon general or health department deeming it worthy of mention (Ehley, 2019). Agenda Comparison Grid and Fact Sheet

NURS – 6050N Policy & Advocacy for Pop Hlth. week 1 discussion and module 1 assignment

Part 1 of this module’s Assignment, you were asked to begin work on an Agenda Comparison Grid to compare the impact of the current/sitting U.S. president and the two previous presidents’ agendas on the healthcare item you selected for study. In this Discussion, you will share your first draft with your colleagues to receive feedback to be applied to your final version. Agenda Comparison Grid and Fact Sheet .

To Prepare:Review the Resources and reflect on the importance of agenda setting.
Consider how federal agendas promote healthcare issues and how these healthcare issues become agenda priorities.Review Part 1 of the Module 1 Assignment and complete the requirements for this Discussion.Assignment: Agenda Comparison Grid and Fact Sheet or Talking Points Brief
It may seem to you that healthcare has been a national topic of debate among political leaders for as long as you can remember.Healthcare has been a policy item and a topic of debate not only in recent times but as far back as the administration of the second U.S. president, John Adams. In 1798, Adams signed legislation requiring that 20 cents per month of a sailor’s paycheck be set aside for covering their medical bills Agenda Comparison Grid and Fact Sheet . This represented the first major piece of U.S. healthcare legislation, and the topic of healthcare has been woven into presidential agendas and political debate ever since.

As a healthcare professional, you may be called upon to provide expertise, guidance and/or opinions on healthcare matters as they are debated for inclusion into new policy. You may also be involved in planning new organizational policy and responses to changes in legislation. For all of these reasons you should be prepared to speak to national healthcare issues making the news.

In this Assignment, you will analyze recent presidential healthcare agendas. You also will prepare a fact sheet to communicate the importance of a healthcare issue and the impact on this issue of recent or proposed policy.

To Prepare:

Review the agenda priorities of the current/sitting U.S. president and the two previous presidential administrations.
Select an issue related to healthcare that was addressed by each of the last three U.S. presidential administrations.
Reflect on the focus of their respective agendas, including the allocation of financial resources for addressing the healthcare issue you selected.
Consider how you would communicate the importance of a healthcare issue to a legislator/policymaker or a member of their staff for inclusion on an agenda.
The Assignment: (1- to 2-page Comparison Grid, 1-Page Analysis, and 1-page Fact Sheet)

Part 2: Agenda Comparison Grid Analysis

Using the information you recorded in Part 1: Agenda Comparison Grid on the template, complete the Part 2: Agenda Comparison Grid Analysis portion of the template, by addressing the following:

Which administrative agency would most likely be responsible for helping you address the healthcare issue you selected?
How do you think your selected healthcare issue might get on the agenda for the current and two previous presidents? How does it stay there?
Who would you choose to be the entrepreneur/ champion/sponsor of the healthcare issue you selected for the current and two previous presidents? Agenda Comparison Grid and Fact Sheet
Part 3: Fact Sheet or Talking Points Brief

Based on the feedback that you received from your colleagues in the Discussion, revise Part 1: Agenda Comparison Grid and Part 2: Agenda Comparison Grid Analysis.

Then, using the information recorded on the template in Parts 1 and 2, develop a 1-page Fact Sheet or Talking Points Brief that you could use to communicate with a policymaker/legislator or a member of their staff for this healthcare issue. You can use Microsoft Word or PowerPoint to create your Fact Sheet or Talking Point Brief. Be sure to address the following:

Summarize why this healthcare issue is important and should be included in the agenda for legislation.
Justify the role of the nurse in agenda setting for healthcare issues.
By Day 3 of Week 1
Submit a draft of Part 1: Agenda Comparison Grid to the Module 1 Discussion Board

Considering the feedback you received in the Module 1 Discussion on Part 1: Agenda Comparison Grid, revise and further develop Part 1: Agenda Comparison Grid and Part 2: Agenda Comparison Grid Analysis. Consider how the …

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Agenda Comparison Grid and Fact Sheet Assignment or Talking Points Brief Assignment Template for Part 1 and Part 2

Part 1: Agenda Comparison Grid 

Use this Agenda Comparison Grid to document information about the population health/healthcare issue your selected and the presidential agendas. By completing this grid, you will develop a more in depth understanding of your selected issue and how you might position it politically based on the presidential agendas.

You will use the information in the Part 1: Agenda Comparison Grid to complete the remaining Part 2 and Part 3 of your Assignment.

Identify the Population Health concern you selected. The population health concern is opioid crisis, and the measures that the consecutive administrations have undertaken to address the concern.
Describe the Population Health concern you selected and the factors that contribute to it. Opioid use is a crisis in the USA. This is against the awareness that the USA spends $78.5 billion every year to address the consequences of opioid crisis that include criminal justice involvement, addiction treatment, lost productivity, and health care costs. Opioid use figures indicate that 1.7 million Americans suffer from prescription opioid use abuse with 47,000 of them dying every year from opioid overdose. Figures from the health care industry indicate that approximately 25% of patients use opioids to manage pain, 10% suffer from opioid use disorder, 5% transition from opioids to heroin use, opioid overdose increase by 30% every year, and opioid use is highest in large cities at 54%. These statistics are an indication that opioid crisis is a concern in the USA (National Institute of Drug Abuse, 2019).
Administration (President Name) (Current President)Donald Trump (2017 – ) (Previous President)Barack Obama (2009 – 2017) (Previous President)George W. Bush (2001 – 2009)
Describe the administrative agenda focus related to this issue for the current and two previous presidents. The government reports that 42,000 Americans die from opioid overdoses every year, and this is a source of concern. Following this awareness, President Trump declared the opioid crisis a public health emergency in October 2017. The specific action undertaken was to unveil the ‘Stop Opioid Abuse’ initiative in 2018. Also, the government unveiled the Safer Prescribing Plan that seeks to reduce opioid prescription by 33% within 3 years. In addition, the government is working with Congress to pass the Support Act (The White House, 2019). Agenda Comparison Grid and Fact Sheet Although the Obama administration did not introduce any new legislation to address the Opioid crisis, it galvanized Congress to support intervention and rehabilitation efforts. This occurred under the agenda of pushing Congress to provide resources for treatment. In addition, the government equipped health care personnel to improve prescription drug monitoring, educated prescribers, encouraged safe pain management approaches, funded research on opioid misuse and overdose, expanded telemedicine, improved support for persons in recovery, and supported safe disposal of unneeded opioids(Office of the Press Secretary, The White House). The opioid crisis first came into attention in 2006 when the Office of National Drug Control Policy presented a national strategy that identified oxycodone (an opioid) as the second most commonly abused opioid in the USA. Given that the issue had been newly identified towards the end of Bush administration, the government did not deem it a priority to address the issues. In fact, the government glossed over the issue with the neither the surgeon general or health department deeming it worthy of mention (Ehley, 2019).
Identify the allocations of financial and other resources that the current and two previous presidents dedicated to this issue. In October of 2018, the Trump administration allocated $6 billion to fund federal government efforts and programs to address the opioid crisis over a 2-year period (The White House, 2019). The Obama administration sought $1.1 billion in new funding to support treatment efforts for Americans with opioid use issues. The funds were allocated towards improving prescription drug monitoring, advanced prescriber education, encouraged safe approaches for pain management, accelerated research on opioid overdose and misuse, expended telemedicine use, supported safe disposal of unneeded opioids, and improved supports for persons in recovery (Office of the Press Secretary, The White House, 2016). Agenda Comparison Grid and Fact Sheet The Bush administration did not allocate any funds towards addressing the opioid crisis since this was an issue that had just been newly identified (Ehley, 2019).
Explain how each of the presidential administrations approached the issue. Trump administration has approached the issue using a multimodal approach. The first approach is to reduce the demand and over-prescription of opioids through educating                      the public on the dangers associated with opioid use. The second approach is to reduce the supply of illicit drugs through interrupting the drug supply chains both within the domestic and international arenas. The third approach is to help persons suffering from opioid addiction through recovery and treatment support services (The White House, 2019). The Obama administration was supportive of efforts of address the opioid crisis as evidenced by the large budget to address the issue and comprehensive approaches that looked at the issue from different perspectives. The Bush administration was apathetic towards the opioid crisis since the issue was only identified towards the end of Bush’s term in office, and neither the surgeon general or health department deeming it worthy of mention. Overall, the administration did not make an effort to address the issue, except for mentioning that opioid use was likely to become an issue in the future.

Part 2: Agenda Comparison Grid Analysis

Using the information you recorded in Part 1: Agenda Comparison Grid, complete the following to document information about the population health/healthcare issue your selected


Administration (President Name) (Current President)Donald Trump (2017 – ) (Previous President)Barack Obama (2009 – 2017) (Previous President)George W. Bush (2001 – 2009)
Which administrative agency would most likely be responsible for helping you address the healthcare issue you selected? The government is responsible for setting the legislative agenda while Congress is responsible for actualizing the legislative reforms as well as approving funding. In addition, the President’s office                 would make use of veto power to bypass. Congress was responsible for addressing the issue through government funding approval and determining how government funds are allocated to address health care agenda. In addition, the President’s office was responsible for setting the agenda and prioritizing issues to be addressed. The White House’s Office of National Drug Control Policy was responsible for identifying the impending opioid crisis in its national strategy for 2006. The issue was as yet to be brought to the attention of other administrative agencies at the end of the Bush administration in 2009.
How do you think your selected healthcare issue might get on the agenda for the current and two previous presidents? How does it stay there? Opioid crisis is high in the concerns of Trump administration as evidenced by the funding and attention. Opioid crisis agenda was of great concern to Obama administration as a newly discovered concern that was worsening as time went by. This is evidenced by the substantial funding that the administration allocated towards the issue. In fact, the agenda was addressed as a priority. The Bush administration ignored the issue.
Who would you choose to be the entrepreneur/ champion/sponsor of the healthcare issue you selected for the current and two previous presidents? Congress would be an ideal sponsor for the opioid crisis agenda since it is comprised of persons of different political persuasions who would objectively address the issue. President Trump is an ideal sponsor since he recognizes the seriousness of the issue and has made considerable effort to address the issue. Nurses would act as champions and support the sponsors through providing expert opinion. President Obama is an ideal sponsor since he considered opioid crisis as a concern, and was inclined towards supporting the agenda. Nurses would act as champions and support the sponsors through providing expert opinion. Nurses would have acted as champions and supported the sponsors through providing expert opinion.


Note: Part 3: of the Module 1: Assignment: Agenda Comparison Grid and Fact Sheet or Talking Points Brief is a 1-page Fact Sheet or Talking Points Brief the you will create in a separate document.

 Part 3: Fact sheet/Talking points

  • Opioid crisis costs $78.5 billion in management every year in the USA.
  • 7 million Americans suffer from prescription opioid abuse very year.
  • 47,000 Americans die from opioid abuse every year. Agenda Comparison Grid and Fact Sheet .
  • 25% of patients use opioids to manage pain with 10% suffering from opioid use disorder.
  • Opioid overdose increases by 30% every year.
  • Trump administration concerned with opioid crisis agenda through the ‘Stop Opioid Abuse’ initiative, ‘Safer Prescribing Plan’ and $6 billion funding in 2018.
  • Obama administration supported the agenda through $1.1 billion funding.
  • Bush administration did not address the issue since it was newly identified at the end of the administration.
  • Addressing the opioid crisis agenda requires support from the President through veto power and Congress through legislative power thus allowing them to act as sponsors. Agenda Comparison Grid and Fact Sheet .
  • Nurses would support the opioid crisis agenda through acting as champions who provide expert opinion.


References – Agenda Comparison Grid and Fact Sheet Assignment

Ehley, B. (2019). Federal scientists warned of coming opioid crisis in 2006. Retrieved from

National Institute of Drug Abuse (2019). Opioid overdose crisis. Retrieved from

Office of the Press Secretary, The White House (2016). Fact sheet: Obama administration takes more actions to address the opioid and heroin epidemic. Retrieved from

The White House (2019). Ending America’s opioid crisis. Retrieved from Agenda Comparison Grid and Fact Sheet