Assignment: Database Project Final Report

Assignment: Database Project Final Report

NR542 Assignment: Database Project Final Report

The purpose of this assignment is to present the results of the database project.

(CO#1) Utilize critical inquiry and judgment to evaluate the design, development, implementation, and outcomes of strategies for managing healthcare-related information (PO#4)

Use the database plan as a guide, updating as needed. All work done during this course, including discussion threads, assignment papers, appendices, and references, may be used to develop this report. Corrections and updates based on feedback are expected.

Provide the reason(s) for the database, including any supporting evidence. Describe the database developed for the course, showing or narrating the three models: conceptual, logical, and physical. Show the relational tables. Include 3 questions that guided database design. Report the results of testing the database and any revisions needed to the database as a result of testing. Conclude with a recap of the database project and insights gained from working on this project. The presentation and speaker notes must follow APA guidelines.

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Assignment: Database Project Final Report Criteria



Outstanding or highest level of performance



Very good or high level of performance



Competent or satisfactory level of performance

Needs Improvement


Poor or failing level of performance



Unsatisfactory level of performance


Possible Points = 120 Points

Assignment: Database Project Final Report Introduction

10 Points

9 Points

8 Points

4 Points

0 Points

Introduction is thorough and establishes the topic and organization of the presentation

Introduction includes basic information about the topic and the organization of the presentation

Introduction includes information about the topic OR the organization of the presentation but not both

Introduction does not include information about the topic and the organization of the presentation

Introduction is not present. Assignment: Database Project Final Report


20 Points

18 Points

16 Points

8 Points

0 Points

Reason for database is provided in depth, including supporting rationale(s)

Reason for database is provided including supporting evidence

Reason for database is provided and only partially supported by evidence

Reason for database is provided. Supporting evidence NOT included

No reason for database is provided

Database Structure

20 Points

18 Points

16 Points

8 Points

0 Points

Database structure is described in depth, including conceptual, logical, and physical models. Description can be narrative or a combination of narrative and graphics

Database structure is described simply, including conceptual, logical, and physical models. Description can be narrative or a combination of narrative and graphics

Database structure is described

Only 2 models are included

Database structure is described

Only 1 model is included

Database structure is not described


no models are included

Relation Tables

20 Points

18 Points

16 Points

8 Points

0 Points

All of the following are present

All relation tables, after resolution of normalization issues, are shown in correct format with primary and secondary keys
All attributes with data characteristics are shown in each table.
Normalization , process and issues identified and resolved are narrated in Speaker Notes

Two of the following are present:

All relation tables, after resolution of normalization issues, are shown in correct format with primary and secondary keys
All attributes with data characteristics are shown in each table.
Normalization , process and issues identified and resolved are narrated in Speaker Notes

One of the following is present

All relation tables, after resolution of normalization issues, are shown in correct format with primary and secondary keys
All attributes with data characteristics are shown in each table.
Normalization , process and issues identified and resolved are narrated in Speaker Notes

Some but not all relation tables are not shown


All relation tables, after resolution of normalization issues, are shown BUT keys are not shown


Normalization , process and issues identified and resolved are not narrated in Speaker Notes

No relation tables are shown. NR542 Database Project Final Report Assignment #3

Questions/Queries Assignment: Database Project Final Report

10 Points

9 Points

8 Points

4 Points

0 Points

All of the following are present

Three appropriate questions developed for the database plan are presented.
Updates, if any, are included and discussed in Speaker Notes
Updates are not required, but consideration of updates is discussed in Speaker Notes

Two of the following are present:

Three appropriate questions developed for the database are presented.
Updates, if any, are included and discussed in Speaker Notes,
Updates are not required, but consideration of updates is discussed in Speaker Notes.

One of the following is present

Three appropriate questions developed for the database are presented.
Updates, if any, are included and discussed in Speaker Notes,
Updates are not required, but consideration of updates is discussed in Speaker Notes

Two appropriate questions developed for the database are present

No questions for the database are present


15 Points

13 Points

12 Points

10 Points

0 Points

Detailed description of how database was tested
Results and any necessary changes presented

Simple description of how database was tested
Results and any necessary changes presented

Database testing described


Results and necessary changes presented

Database testing not described


Results and necessary changes are presented

Database testing not described


Results and changes not presented


15 Points

13 Points

12 Points

10 Points

0 Points

All of the following are present:

Thoroughly recaps the database project

Provides conclusions on success of project
Provides insights on information management developed from working on the project

All of the following are present:

Simplified recap of the project
Provides conclusions on success of project
Provides insights on information management developed from working on the project

2 of the following are present:

Recap of the project

Provides conclusions on success of project

Provides insights on information management developed from working on the project

1 of the following is present:

Recap of project
Provides conclusions on success of project
Provides conclusions on insights on information management from working on the project

None of the following are present:

Recap of project
Provides conclusions on success of project
Provides conclusions on insights on information management from working on the project

Speaker Notes

10 Points

9 Points

8 Points

4 Points

0 Points

Speaker Notes are thorough and present on each required slide

Sufficient depth on 100% of the slides to allow someone else to take over the presentation

Speaker Notes are present on each required slide
Notes on 75% of the slides have sufficient depth to allow someone else to take over the presentation.

Speaker Notes are present for each required slide slides but are not of sufficient depth on more than 75% of the slides to allow someone else to take over the presentation

Speaker Notes are provided for fewer than 75% of the required slides

Speaker Notes are not provided for any slides


Possible Points = 30 Points

Number of Slides

10 Points

9 Points

8 Points

4 Points

0 Points

Presentation uses a minimum of 12 and a maximum of 15 slides

Presentation uses a no more than 11 slides or uses 16 slides

Presentation uses no more than 10 slides or uses 17 slides

Presentation uses no more than 9 slides or uses 18 slides

Presentation uses fewer than 7 slides or more than 19 slides

APA Format/References

10 Points

9 Points

8 Points

4 Points

0 Points

0 – 1 APA errors in the slide content, citations, or references


A minimum of 3 references that are not textbooks are provided

0 – 1 APA error in the slide content, citations, or references


A minimum of 3 references with a course text as one of those 3 references

2-3 APA errors in the slide content, citations, or references


A minimum of 3 references

4-5 APA errors in the slide content, citations, or references


Fewer than 3 references

6 or more APA errors in the slide content, citations, or references

Writing Mechanics

10 Points

9 Points

8 Points

4 Points

0 Points

There are no errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, and syntax
The writing in Speaker Notes and slides is consistent with formal written work.

1 – 2 errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, and syntax,
The writing in Speaker Notes and slides is consistent with formal written work

3 – 5 errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, and syntax


The writing in Speaker Notes and slides is not consistent with formal written work.

6 errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation

7 or more errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation

___Format 30 Points

Total Points 150

_____of 150 Points Assignment: Database Project Final Report