

BSC 2347 Module 10 Discussion Essay Assignment

BSC 2347 Module 10 Discussion Essay Assignment BSC 2347 Module 10 Discussion Essay Assignment End of Life Care The right-to-die is a concept stating that a patient with terminal illness should have the choice to voluntarily end his or her…

BSC 2347 Module 09 Discussion Essay Paper

BSC 2347 Module 09 Discussion Essay Paper BSC 2347 Module 09 Discussion Essay Paper Birth Control Thanks to the Affordable Care Act, most forms of birth control are now covered by health insurance with no out-of-pocket costs, but there are…

BSC 2347 Module 08 Discussion Assignment Paper

BSC 2347 Module 08 Discussion Assignment Paper BSC 2347 Module 08 Discussion Assignment Paper Energy Drinks Consumption of energy drinks (such as Redbull®, Monster Energy Drink®, and Rockstar®) among children, teenagers, and young adults has risen in the last decade.…

BSC 2347 Module 06 Discussion Essay Assignment

BSC 2347 Module 06 Discussion Essay Assignment BSC 2347 Module 06 Discussion Essay Assignment Are GM Foods more Nutritious? Due to consumer demand, there is a growing trend in the United States for food companies to have their foods be verified to…

BSC 2347  Module 05 Discussion Essay Paper

BSC 2347  Module 05 Discussion Essay Paper BSC 2347  Module 05 Discussion Essay Paper T21 According to the CDC, smoking “leads to disease and disability and harms nearly every organ of the body” and “costs the United States billions of…

BSC 2347 Human Anatomy and Physiology II Module 04 Discussion

BSC 2347 Human Anatomy and Physiology II Module 04 Discussion BSC 2347 Human Anatomy and Physiology II Module 04 Discussion Vaccines & Science The creation and implementation of vaccinations is one of healthcare’s greatest achievements. Vaccinations have saved countless lives…

BSC 2347 Module 03 Discussion Assignment Paper

BSC 2347 Module 03 Discussion Assignment Paper BSC 2347 Module 03 Discussion Assignment Paper Blood Pressure Hypercholesterolemia (high cholesterol levels in the blood) is associated with various cardiovascular diseases such as atherosclerosis, stroke, and myocardial infarction. Research how hypercholesterolemia develops,…

BSC 2347 Module 02 Discussion Essay Paper

BSC 2347 Module 02 Discussion Essay Paper BSC 2347 Module 02 Discussion Essay Paper Heart Disease According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (2015), cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of deaths in the United States, equating…

BSC2347 Human Anatomy and Physiology II Module 01 Discussion

BSC2347 Human Anatomy and Physiology II Module 01 Discussion BSC2347 Human Anatomy and Physiology II Module 01 Discussion Needle Exchange The incidence rate of Hepatitis C infection, the most common blood-borne infection in the United States, has more than doubled since 2004…