

NURS 7322 Healthcare Policy Analysis and Advocacy Assignments

NURS 7322 Healthcare Policy Analysis and Advocacy Assignments NURS 7322 Healthcare Policy Analysis and Advocacy Assignments COURSE DESCRIPTION This course prepares the nurse leader to advance the agenda of the rapidly changing care environment by examination of health policy research…

NURS 6312 Assignments: Advanced Mental Health Concepts

NURS 6312 Assignments: Advanced Mental Health Concepts NURS 6312 Assignments: Advanced Mental Health Concepts COURSE DESCRIPTION This course develops the theoretical basis for advanced practice nursing in mental health.  Students use a holistic perspective to examine the etiology, meaning and…

NURS 6302 Advanced Pharmacotherapeutics

NURS 6302 Advanced Pharmacotherapeutics NURS 6302 Advanced Pharmacotherapeutics COURSE DESCRIPTION This course provides the opportunity to acquire advanced knowledge and skills in the therapeutic use of pharmacologic agents. The pharmacologic treatment of major health problems will be explored. Principles of…

NSG6999 Week 10 discussion Latest 2020

NSG6999 Week 10 discussion Latest NSG6999 Week 10 discussion Latest Post Final EBP presentation to DB. As you work on your capstone project proposal, you will want to share your progress with your peers and instructor and seek or provide…