

NURS6551 All Week Discussions latest

NURS6551 All Week Discussions latest NURS6551 All Week Discussions latest Week 1 Discussion: Political, Social, and Sociocultural Influences on Women’s Health As an advanced practice nurse, you must remain current on health issues that commonly impact women such as birth control,…

NR526 Week 5 Assignment latest

NR526 Week 5 Assignment latest NR526 Week 5 Assignment latest 3Ps Handout Guidelines & Scoring Rubric Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to synthesize advanced knowledge of pathophysiology, pharmacology, and health (physical) assessment into three handouts for nursing students…

NUR602 Week 8 Reflection Assignment

NUR602 Week 8 Reflection Assignment NUR602 Week 8 Reflection Assignment Reflect back over the past eight weeks and describe how the achievement of the course outcomes in this course have prepared you to meet the MSN program outcome #1, the…

NSG4028 Week 5 Discussion latest

NSG4028 Week 5 Discussion latest NSG4028 Week 5 Discussion latest Topic 1 Seasoned nurse educators possess wisdom about teaching (a kind of “with-it-ness”), which they have developed through practical experience over the years. As a person new to nursing education,…

NSG4028 Week 4 Discussion latest

NSG4028 Week 4 Discussion latest NSG4028 Week 4 Discussion latest Topic 1 Create a pamphlet to be used as patient education material about a topic of your choice that can be used in your nursing practice. Evaluate the readability by comparing two…

NSG4028 Week 3 Discussion latest

NSG4028 Week 3 Discussion latest NSG4028 Week 3 Discussion latest Topic 1 Reflect on a lesson you would like to teach to a friend or family member. Determine the level of your learning objectives using Bloom’s taxonomy. Construct three learning…

NSG4028 Week 2 Discussion latest

NSG4028 Week 2 Discussion latest NSG4028 Week 2 Discussion latest Topic 1 Select two stages of development. Identify the main characteristics of each stage that influence the ability to learn. Describe three main teaching strategies for each of the developmental stages selected.…

NSG4028 Week 1 Discussion latest

NSG4028 Week 1 Discussion latest NSG4028 Week 1 Discussion latest Topic 1 Personal Philosophy: From your readings about teaching and learning theories, develop and discuss your personal philosophy of teaching in nursing. Or Topic 2 Recall a clinical learning experience…

NSG4028 Week 2 Assignment Course Project—Part 1 latest

NSG4028 Week 2 Assignment Course Project—Part 1 latest NSG4028 Week 2 Assignment Course Project—Part 1 latest Your assignment for this week entails working on an introduction for your project. The introduction should: Contain the title of the lesson. Identify and…

NSG4028 Week 4 Assignment Course Project—Part 2 latest

NSG4028 Week 4 Assignment Course Project—Part 2 latest NSG4028 Week 4 Assignment Course Project—Part 2 latest Instructional Unit: Goals, Objectives, and the Teaching Plans This week you will submit your instructional unit, which should include three lesson plans: one focused…