

Assignment: Market Segments in Healthcare

Assignment: Market Segments in Healthcare Assignment: Market Segments in Healthcare The U.S. population continues to diversify, increase in average age (primarily due to baby boomers), and to be influenced by national legislation (e.g., Affordable Care Act, Medicare Modernization Act, HITECH…

Healthcare Finance Allocations Paper

Healthcare Finance Allocations Paper Healthcare Finance Allocations Paper Three page paper. Explain common cost allocation methods including the direct allocation method and the step-down method.  In your paper, explain the common cost allocation methods for patient-level costs, including relative value…

Ethics Project Healthcare Discussion

Ethics Project Healthcare Discussion Ethics Project Healthcare Discussion Review the scenario below. Throughout the course, you will be referring to this scenario, coming up with an appropriate solution, and reflecting on your thinking process. Your 82-year-old patient is in kidney…

Healthcare Law Questions Paper

Healthcare Law Questions Paper Healthcare Law Questions Paper 1. Using an Internet search engine, look up the Good Samaritan law for your state. Explain the purpose of the law. Who does it cover? Is it limited to certain classes of…

Healthcare Marketing and Strategy Assignment

Healthcare Marketing and Strategy Assignment Healthcare Marketing and Strategy Assignment Assignment 2: Organizational Strategy A county health department wants to increase the number of Medicaid beneficiaries that participate in prenatal care. It knows that only 40 percent of the expectant…

Healthcare Marketing and Strategy

Healthcare Marketing and Strategy Healthcare Marketing and Strategy Part 1: Contemporary Healthcare Facilities Just as the state of the healthcare industry and the concept of the patient have changed so have healthcare facilities. Physicians’ offices aren’t always offices anymore. Healthcare…

Healthcare Marketing and Strategy Articles

Healthcare Marketing and Strategy Articles Healthcare Marketing and Strategy Articles Assignment 2: A New Marketing Opportunity The CEO of your firm has just announced that the organization is considering two diverse strategies to increase business: marketing healthcare services to the…

Discussion: Malpractice Suits in Healthcare 

Discussion: Malpractice Suits in Healthcare Discussion: Malpractice Suits in Healthcare Discuss how physician malpractice suits can be decreased. How can a doctor be sued for malpractice? What current practices do doctors perform in order to avoid law suits? What are…

Assignment 2: Demand Analysis Briefing and Marketing Campaign

Assignment 2: Demand Analysis Briefing and Marketing Campaign Assignment 2: Demand Analysis Briefing and Marketing Campaign You are the director of marketing for a regional hospital. The board of directors at your hospital has studied the 2011 Institute of Medicine…

Healthcare Final Paper Assignment

Healthcare Final Paper Assignment Healthcare Final Paper Assignment Value-Based Purchasing The Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (C.M.S.) began phasing in its value-based purchasing program in 2007.  Value based purchasing links payment directly to the quality of care provided. It…