

Diversity and the Media Sociology Assignment

Diversity and the Media Sociology Assignment Diversity and the Media Sociology Assignment For this assignment, choose one news media program or article that deals with an issue related to the variables we are exploring in this course: race, ethnicity, gender,…

Normative Theories: Business and Finance Discussion

Normative Theories: Business and Finance Discussion Normative Theories: Business and Finance Discussion Write 4–6 pages in which you address a complex ethical dilemma, applying various ethical theories to the problem. Philosophical reasoning about human conduct aims first to discover a…

Understanding Sexuality Essay Assignment

Understanding Sexuality Essay Assignment Understanding Sexuality Essay Assignment Case Studies: Understanding Sexuality in Ourselves and in Our Relationships interactive linked in the Resources. Each case study is related in some way to the material covered in the unit readings and…

Capella University Theory and Its Role in Research Paper

Capella University Theory and Its Role in Research Paper Capella University Theory and Its Role in Research Paper For this assessment, use either the qualitative or quantitative research article you used in Assessment 2. Complete the following to prepare: Reread…

Conflict and Power Blog Post Paper

Conflict and Power Blog Post Paper Conflict and Power Blog Post Paper Instructions are detailed in the attached document, please follow step by step.   Attachment preview  Write a 3-5 page blog post titled & quote; Conflict and Power &…

Applied Behavior Analysis: Tests and Measurements

Applied Behavior Analysis: Tests and Measurements Applied Behavior Analysis: Tests and Measurements For this assignment, you will use the test you selected for your project in Unit 2. Locate and summarize a minimum of seven articles related to the technical…

Capella University Workforce Planning Utilization Analysis

Capella University Workforce Planning Utilization Analysis Capella University Workforce Planning Utilization Analysis Develop a 4-6 page workforce utilization analysis to present to HR leadership using the demographic and salary data from a fictional (CapraTek) manufacturing facility. DEMONSTRATION OF PROFICIENCY By…