

Capella University Information Technology in Hospitals Paper

Capella University Information Technology in Hospitals Paper Capella University Information Technology in Hospitals Paper Write 1300 words You work for a hospital in the registration and admissions department, and most of your tasks are performed manually. For example, when an…

Capella University Addressing Potential Ethical Dilemmas Presentation

Capella University Addressing Potential Ethical Dilemmas Presentation Capella University Addressing Potential Ethical Dilemmas Presentation Create a six-slide, briefing a team on how they might address potential ethical dilemmas in the workplace. INTRODUCTION One setting in which ethics play a significant…

GEN 102 Capella University Digital Footprints Discussion

GEN 102 Capella University Digital Footprints Discussion GEN 102 Capella University Digital Footprints Discussion Write: Describe two digital footprints you have left within the last week. Analyze each one for potential risk on a scale of 1-10, 1 being low risk and…

PM 3000 Capella University Project Management Presentation

PM 3000 Capella University Project Management Presentation PM 3000 Capella University Project Management Presentation USE INFO ON ATTACHMENTS TO COMPLETE ASSIGNMENT Project Management Knowledge Areas and Process Groups INSTRUCTIONS Imagine your employer has asked you to give a presentation to…

Capella University Managed Security Services & Outsourcing Discussion

Capella University Managed Security Services & Outsourcing Discussion Capella University Managed Security Services & Outsourcing Discussion Write 350 words You are the CIO of an e-commerce organization. You are considering outsourcing some information security operations to a managed security service…

Capella University Business Web Application Clients Discussion

Capella University Business Web Application Clients Discussion Capella University Business Web Application Clients Discussion Begin by listing three (3) business web application clients and give examples of how they might be used. We will continue the conversation by weighing in…

Capella University Agile Sprint Lesson Discussion

Capella University Agile Sprint Lesson Discussion Capella University Agile Sprint Lesson Discussion Write 350 words for Agile – Sprint lesson learned Your response should be broken up into two parts: What happened? How much of the work did you get…

Capella University Cybersecure Contingency Planning Training Games

Capella University Cybersecure Contingency Planning Training Games Capella University Cybersecure Contingency Planning Training Games OVERVIEW In this assignment you will use US Department of Health and Human Services training tools to increase your knowledge and understanding of the Security Rule…

Capella University Supervised and Unsupervised Learning Discussion

Capella University Supervised and Unsupervised Learning Discussion Capella University Supervised and Unsupervised Learning Discussion Supervised learning and unsupervised learning are 2 machine learning methods that have both been applied by data mining techniques. Please first study the relevant content in…