

Discussion: PICOT Question Formulation

NSG6999 Week 4 Discussion: PICOT Question Formulation Discussion: PICOT Question Formulation Using the following table—search the 5 databases based on your PICOT Question—under findings note the number of relevant articles found—under features discuss what you liked about that database. ON…

Assignment: keeper study review

Assignment: keeper study review Assignment: keeper study review NSG6999 Week 5 Discussion latest We will be reviewing a “keeper study” this week—evaluate an article by working through the following 7 question Again, keeper studies can be identified using handy Rapid…

Assignments: Healthcare Policy Analysis and Advocacy Papers

Assignments: Healthcare Policy Analysis and Advocacy Papers Assignments: Healthcare Policy Analysis and Advocacy Papers COURSE DESCRIPTION This course prepares the nurse leader to advance the agenda of the rapidly changing care environment by examination of health policy research and analysis.…

Assignment 3 – Legislative Interview Reaction Paper

Assignment 3 – Legislative Interview Reaction Paper – 20% of grade Assignment 3 – Legislative Interview Reaction Paper Student is required to complete the following steps: 1.  Arrange to meet with a Federal, State, or Community legislator/city council member whose…

Assignment 5 – Presentation of Advocacy Strategy

NURS 7322 Assignment 5 – Presentation of Advocacy Strategy for Selected Health Issue, Inclusive of Politically-Related Economic Concerns– 20% of grade Strategy will be graded on the following criteria [(2) 15 minute power point presentations]:    Cohesiveness of strategy   …

Discussion: Regulations regarding informed consent

Discussion: Regulations regarding informed consent Discussion: Regulations regarding informed consent NUR 3826 Week 2 Discussions 1 & 2 recent DQ1 Are you knowledgeable about your own state statutes and regulations regarding informed consent? 1. Discuss the law or rules of…

Assignment: Alcohol withdrawal treatments and the CIWA

Assignment: Alcohol withdrawal treatments and the CIWA Assignment: Alcohol withdrawal treatments and the CIWA Details: To complete this assignment, access the links above regarding alcohol withdrawal treatments and the CIWA. Read the case study of “Mark,” which also includes Mark’s…

Assignment : Intake Assessment Essay paper

PCN 605 Topic 8 Assignment : Intake Assessment Essay paper Assignment : Intake Assessment Essay paper Details: To complete this assignment, access the links above regarding alcohol withdrawal treatments and the CIWA. Read the case study of “Mark,” which also…

Assignment: Personality Disorders Case Study Presentation

PCN 605 Topic 7 Assignment: Personality Disorders Case Study Presentation Assignment: Personality Disorders Case Study Presentation Details: Choose and read any one case study from Chapter 13 (Personality Disorders) in DSM-5 in Action. Research the specific personality disorder from your chosen…