

Assignment: Refining a Nursing Concern into EBP

Assignment: Refining a Nursing Concern into EBP Assignment: Refining a Nursing Concern into EBP NR512 Week 2: Refinement of a Nursing Concern Week 2: Refinement of a Nursing Concern into an Evidence-based Practice Proposal Using the Research Process This assignment…

Assignment: family-focused functional assessment

NR 429 Assignment: family-focused functional assessment Assignment: family-focused functional assessment Understanding family structure and style is essential to patient and family care. Conducting a family interview and needs assessment gathers information to identify strengths, as well as potential barriers to…

Assignment: significance of nursing organization

NRS430 Week 5 Assignment: significance of nursing organization NRS430 Week 5 Assignment: significance of nursing organization Examine the importance of professional associations in nursing. Choose a professional nursing organization that relates to your specialty area, or a specialty area in…

Discussion: Culture and Mental Health

Discussion: Culture and Mental Health Discussion: Culture and Mental Health Module 3 Paper Culture and Mental Health Assignment Mental Health Nursing Module 3 Paper Culture and Mental Health Fall 2019 Any aspect of nursing will involve the consideration of the…

Assignment: Database Project Final Report

Assignment: Database Project Final Report NR542 Assignment: Database Project Final Report The purpose of this assignment is to present the results of the database project. (CO#1) Utilize critical inquiry and judgment to evaluate the design, development, implementation, and outcomes of…

Article critique Assignment: NR439 Week 6 

Article critique Assignment: NR439 Week 6 Article critique Assignment: NR439 Week 6 Purpose The purpose of this assignment completed as an APA Paper is for the student to learn to examine, analyze, critique, and summarize an original research article. Article…

Assignment: Pediatric Nursing

Assignment: Pediatric Nursing NR322 Assignment: Pediatric Nursing PURPOSE For this assignment, you will examine ethical dilemmas that exist in pediatric acute care settings, particularly those involving genetics/genomics issues You will also explore the resources available to assist patients, families, and…

Discussion: Geriatric Assessment Tools NR 601

Discussion: Geriatric Assessment Tools Discussion: Geriatric Assessment Tools Students will not receive credit for any discussions posted after Sunday 11:59pm MT. Review the course library page list of available screening tools. Link to Library (Links to an external site.)Links to…

Discussion: Psychiatric Disorders and Screening NR 601

Discussion: Psychiatric Disorders and Screening Discussion: Psychiatric Disorders and Screening Students will not receive credit for any discussions posted after Sunday 11:59pm MT. Anxiety and depression are the most common psychiatric problems you will encounter in your primary care practice.…

Discussion: ACC/AHA Guidelines NR 601

Discussion: ACC/AHA Guidelines  NR 601 Discussion: ACC/AHA Guidelines Chief complaint: medication refill “ran out of medicine” HPI: BJ, a 68-year-old AA female presents to the clinic for prescription refills. The patient also indicates that she has noticed shortness of breath…