NURS 6053 Week 11 Discussion
NURS 6053 Week 11 Discussion (Walden)
Conflict is a difficult situation no matter how it occurs or how much we do not want it to happen. Even with the best leaders, there will continue to be an evolving cycle of negotiations and diffuse stressful situations. As a manager of two surgical units, the day to day operations continues to be a constant battle of negotiations, but the crucial piece to this is to adequately understand how or why the conflict started or its origin (Marquis & Huston, 2015). So what is the key to keeping the peace? Is there a simple solution to this ongoing issue that has been around for decades? The answer is no in plain language. Each situation or occurrence must be addressed in individualized cases but developing a framework of how to deal and will aid in reaching an optimal goal in resolving your conflict…
NURS 6053 Full Course Assignments and Discussions
Week 11 Discussion Sample Paper
Conflict is uncomfortable for most individuals. It can be intrapersonal, interpersonal, or intergroup. No matter what the type of conflict, resolution is a learned behavior. As a nurse I have been involved in many different types of conflict. As a nursing supervisor at a large hospital, the most common conflict had to do with staffing. I was responsible for staffing 3 ICU’s, 9 monitored and 13 regular nursing floors. During times of high census there was often a great shortage of nurses and support staff. There was a staffing clerk that would find out what each unit called for per staffing grids. They would then total up the needs and evaluate the float pool staff. If the pool staff could not cover all of the needs the supervisor had to become involved.
On one particular very short evening the hospital was short 13 nurses and 7 nursing assistants. I would always call each unit or round if possible to find out what they had to have to safely staff their unit. I would explain the situation and attempt to assist each charge nurse with trouble shooting how to staff with less than they called for. Med-surg floors could often run a nurse short if they could get an extra nursing assistant. ICU’s and monitored units would often drop in census after late discharges. It was rare that through communication and negotiation a suitable solution could be reached. This particular shift, there was an extremely grumpy charge nurse in an ICU. They had enough staff and low acuity. I explained the situation and why I needed to pull their nursing assistant. The charge nurse felt that it was not fair because they had enough staff. I then sat down and discussed how short each area was and that by sharing their staff it would keep a manager from being called in. I then discussed about all the help their unit receives in time of crisis.
This charge nurse remained extremely upset and called their manager. I explained the situation and the manager agreed. I then asked the charge nurse besides leaving the nursing assistant, what would make the situation better? They said it was the bathing. They needed the assistant to help turn a large patient. We then collaborated with another unit close by. We agreed that the nursing assistant from their unit would come at an arranged time to assist with baths and that I would send admissions to the other ICU’s first.
I can’t say that the nurse was completely satisfied, but we were able to reach a compromise and that shift was safely staffed throughout all units. The conflict management skills I utilized were compromising, cooperating, smoothing and collaborating. The other individual was competing for their own interest and not considering the greater good. It would have been very ineffective to use avoidance as many units would have been short staffed and the staff member would be very difficult the entire shift.
Conflict resolution is a mandatory skill for a nurse leader. According to Marquis & Huston (2015) the optimal goal in resolving conflict is to reach a win-win solution for all involved. This is not possible in all situations. So it is then the leader’s responsibility to be familiar with conflict resolution so that they can apply the correct strategy to the situation. Some people learn these skills easily while others must be formally taught. No matter how they are learned they are an key to becoming a successful leader.
Marquis, B. L., & Huston, C. J. (2015). Leadership roles and management functions in nursing: Theory and application (8th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins