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7067.1.1 : Theoretical Underpinnings of Nursing Informatics
The graduate analyzes the theoretical and conceptual underpinnings of the nursing informatics scope and standards to improve patient experience and health outcomes. WGU ARM1 — ARM1 TASK 1: POPULATION HEALTH DATA BRIEF PAPER
7067.1.2 : Informatics for Patient Care
The graduate determines how technology and informatics can be optimized to improve the patient experience and lower healthcare costs.
7067.1.3 : Informatics for Health Administration
The graduate analyzes core administrative systems to support the management of safe, cost-effective, and high-quality healthcare.
7067.1.4 : Informatics for Population Health
The graduate analyzes data from population-based systems to mitigate public health threats and decrease incidence of disease.
7067.1.5 : Data Collection and Management
The graduate designs data collection tools and processes to capture, analyze, and report health indicators and outcomes.
7067.1.6 : Data Analysis and Visualization
The graduate refines data to visually represent, forecast, monitor, and report progress in meeting healthcare outcomes.
Population health, in its broadest sense, is defined as an integrated approach by which interdisciplinary collaboration between various groups in a community—such as businesses, academia, healthcare providers, philanthropic organizations, local governments, and civil and religious organizations—work together to achieve the common goal of improving overall human health within a defined geographical area (CDC, 2017). WGU ARM1 — ARM1 TASK 1: POPULATION HEALTH DATA BRIEF PAPER
When examining population health dynamics, it is important to recognize that important research areas include not only aggregated medical diagnoses but also the hazards in the living and working environments, socioeconomic statuses, ethnic backgrounds, educational levels, and health coverage-related aspects of a given population. In particular, underserved populations play an important role in the development of strategies, interventions, and policy for the delivery of improved population health. Improving population health focuses not only on bringing awareness to significant health issues and contributing factors within a given area but also on identifying the resources necessary to influence and deliver positive changes.
For nurses and other members of the healthcare community, population health is just as much a professional responsibility as is the care of a single individual in an acute care setting. It is important for members of the healthcare community to cultivate an awareness of and sense of involvement in population health initiatives. In these initiatives, a nurse’s knowledge—including informatics competencies, clinical practice experience, and leadership skills—can be applied to positively affect health outcomes. It is equally important for nurses to first analyze and understand the geographical area an initiative focuses on. This helps identify modifiable and nonmodifiable health risk factors within a community, which serves as the foundation for setting priorities. This first step is vital in generating the information necessary for the engagement and action of local stakeholders.
In this task, you will gather data about the local geographical distribution of health-related factors, study the significance of the data, and present the data in a manner illustrating the state of the selected county’s population health. You will explore the community’s health profile and trends as well as factors influencing the county’s current health status. The information you submit will consist of graphics such as maps, trending graphs, comparative charts, and statistical lists. You will summarize key findings and highlight at least one health factor or condition requiring focused attention. You may examine the attached “CDC Data Brief Example” in the Supporting Documents section to obtain a general idea of what the result of this task will look like.
Your submission must be your original work. No more than a combined total of 30% of the submission and no more than a 10% match to any one individual source can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased from sources, even if cited correctly. The originality report that is provided when you submit your task can be used as a guide.
You must use the rubric to direct the creation of your submission because it provides detailed criteria that will be used to evaluate your work. Each requirement below may be evaluated by more than one rubric aspect. The rubric aspect titles may contain hyperlinks to relevant portions of the course.
You will perform the following actions by completing the “Population Health Data Brief Template” attachment:
A. Complete the “Sociodemographic Profile” section in the “Population Health Data Brief Template” attachment by doing the following:
Note: If information is not available for any subsection, please provide an explanation.
1. Complete the “Key Findings” subsection, including a screenshot of the county you are investigating.
2. Complete the “Introductory Paragraph” subsection (suggested length of 1–2 paragraphs), identifying the source of the data and a summary of findings from the table in part A3.
3. Complete the 20 population characteristics in the “Sociodemographic Profile Table” subsection for the selected county and the United States.
B. Complete the “County Health Trends & Rankings” section in the “Population Health Data Brief Template” attachment by doing the following:
1. Complete the “Introductory Paragraph” subsection (suggested length of 1–2 paragraphs), including why the data for the health trends in part B2 were collected and identifying the source of the data and the methods used to gather the data.
2. Complete the “Discussion of Health Trends” subsection, including a discussion of the use of trend graphs for the seven major health trends selected in part B3.
3. Complete the “Health Trends (Visual Graphs)” subsection, including one trend graph for each of the selected health trends. WGU ARM1 — ARM1 TASK 1: POPULATION HEALTH DATA BRIEF PAPER
Note: Caption each visual graph in APA format.
4. Complete the “Health Trends Discussion” subsection (suggested length of 1–2 paragraphs), including how each of the trend graphs tell a story about the health of the county and how the health aspect is improving, worsening, or remaining stable.
C. Complete the “Health Factors” section in the “Population Health Data Brief Template” attachment by doing the following:
1. Complete the 14 items in the “Health Factors Table” subsection for the selected county, the top U.S. performer, and the state.
2. Complete the “Comparison of Data” subsection (suggested length of 1–2 paragraphs), including an analysis of background information on health rankings and the purpose of comparing county data to the top performers.
D. Complete the “Summary” section in the attached “Population Health Data Brief Template” by doing the following:
1. Complete the “Significant Finding(s)” subsection (suggested length of 1–2 paragraphs), including one main health trend from part B that has the potential to be redirected by an action plan to significantly improve community health outcomes in the county.
2. Complete the “Action Plan(s)” subsection (suggested length of 1–2 sentences), including the initial steps needed for implementing an action plan to address the main health trend in part D1.
a. Complete the “Services or Programs” subsection (suggested length of 1–2 sentences) with a discussion of the services or programs that may be introduced in the county to address the identified health trend(s) from part D2.
b. Complete the “Raise Public Awareness and Promote Public Engagement” subsection (suggested length of 1–2 paragraphs), including a description of three ways that the advanced professional nurse should use technology to integrate informatics into practice.
c. Complete the “Monitoring and Evaluating Action Plan” subsection (suggested length of 1–2 paragraphs), including a summary of how the elements of the proposed action plan from parts D2a and D2b will be monitored.
E. Complete the “Data Sources & Methods” section in the attached “Population Health Data Brief Template,” including the sources you used to gather data for your data brief.
F. Acknowledge sources, using APA-formatted in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.
G. Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.
NOTE: The Performance Assessment should be uploaded as a separate attachment(s) and should not be included in the E-portfolio or submitted as a link.
File size limit: 200 MB
File types allowed: doc, docx, rtf, xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx, odt, pdf, txt, qt, mov, mpg, avi, mp3, wav, mp4, wma, flv, asf, mpeg, wmv, m4v, svg, tif, tiff, jpeg, jpg, gif, png, zip, rar, tar, 7z
NOT EVIDENT Information is not provided in the “Key Findings” subsection of the attached “Population Health Data Brief Template.” |
APPROACHING COMPETENCE The information provided in the “Key Findings” subsection of the attached “Population Health Data Brief Template” does not address all the key findings, does not follow the formatting guidelines for this section of the template, or is missing a screenshot showing the county being investigated. |
COMPETENT The information provided in the “Key Findings” subsection of the attached “Population Health Data Brief Template” addresses all the key findings, follows the formatting guidelines for this section of the template, and contains a screenshot showing the county being investigated. WGU ARM1 — ARM1 TASK 1: POPULATION HEALTH DATA BRIEF PAPER |
NOT EVIDENT Information is not provided in the part A2 “Introductory Paragraph” subsection of the attached “Population Health Data Brief Template.” |
APPROACHING COMPETENCE The information provided in the part A2 “Introductory Paragraph” subsection of the attached “Population Health Data Brief Template” does not identify the source of the data, or the summary of the findings is missing key aspects from the “Sociodemographic Profile Table” subsection in part A3. |
COMPETENT The information provided in the part A2 “Introductory Paragraph” subsection of the attached “Population Health Data Brief Template” identifies the source of the data, and the summary of the findings contains key aspects from the “Sociodemographic Profile Table” subsection in part A3. |
NOT EVIDENT Information is not provided in the “Sociodemographic Profile Table” subsection of the attached “Population Health Data Brief Template.” |
APPROACHING COMPETENCE The information provided in the “Sociodemographic Profile Table” subsection of the attached “Population Health Data Brief Template” does not address each of the 20 population characteristics or is missing specific details about the data of the selected county or the United States. |
COMPETENT The information provided in the “Sociodemographic Profile Table” subsection of the attached “Population Health Data Brief Template” addresses each of the 20 population characteristics and contains specific details about the data of the selected county and the United States. |
NOT EVIDENT Information is not provided in the part B1 “Introductory Paragraph” subsection of the attached “Population Health Data Brief Template.” |
APPROACHING COMPETENCE The information provided in the part B1 “Introductory Paragraph” subsection of the attached “Population Health Data Brief Template” does not include why the data for the 7 health trends in part B2 were collected. Or the introduction does not identify the source of the data or the methods used to gather the data. |
COMPETENT The information provided in the part B1 “Introductory Paragraph” subsection of the attached “Population Health Data Brief Template” includes why the data for the 7 health trends in part B2 were collected. And the introduction identifies the source of the data and the methods used to gather the data. |
NOT EVIDENT Information is not provided in the “Discussion of Health Trends” subsection of the attached “Population Health Data Brief Template.” |
APPROACHING COMPETENCE The information provided in the “Discussion of Health Trends” subsection of the attached “Population Health Data Brief Template” does not include a discussion of the use of trend graphs for the 7 major health trends selected in part B3. Or the discussion does not detail the health of the county or whether each health trend is improving or getting worse. Or the discussion does not include the county’s overall health outcomes or length of life ranking. WGU ARM1 — ARM1 TASK 1: POPULATION HEALTH DATA BRIEF PAPER |
COMPETENT The information provided in the “Discussion of Health Trends” subsection of the attached “Population Health Data Brief Template” includes a discussion of the use of trend graphs for the 7 major health trends selected in part B3. And the discussion details the health of the county and whether each health trend is improving or getting worse. And the discussion includes the county’s overall health outcomes and length of life ranking. |
NOT EVIDENT Information is not provided in the “Health Trends (Visual Graphs)” subsection of the attached “Population Health Data Brief Template.” |
APPROACHING COMPETENCE The information provided in the “Health Trends (Visual Graphs)” subsection of the attached “Population Health Data Brief Template” does not include 1 trend graph for each of the health trends selected. Or any of the trend graphs do not include a figure number, descriptive title, or a description that includes enough information that readers know the importance of the health trend on the population. |
COMPETENT The information provided in the “Health Trends (Visual Graphs)” subsection of the attached “Population Health Data Brief Template” includes 1 trend graph for each of the health trends selected. And all the trend graphs include a figure number, descriptive title, and a description that includes enough information that readers know the importance of the health trend on the population. |
NOT EVIDENT Information is not provided in the “Health Trends Discussion” subsection of the attached “Population Health Data Brief Template.” |
APPROACHING COMPETENCE The information provided in the “Health Trends Discussion” subsection of the attached “Population Health Data Brief Template” does not include how each of the trend graphs tell a story about the health of the county. Or the information does not include how each health aspect is improving, worsening, or remaining stable. Or the conclusion about how any health aspect is trending is not logically based on the respective trend graph. |
COMPETENT The information provided in the “Health Trends Discussion” subsection of the attached “Population Health Data Brief Template” includes how each of the trend graphs tell a story about the health of the county. And the information includes how each health aspect is improving, worsening, or remaining stable, which is logically based on the respective trend graph. |
NOT EVIDENT Information is not provided in the “Health Factors Table” subsection of the attached “Population Health Data Brief Template.” |
APPROACHING COMPETENCE The information provided in the “Health Factors Table” subsection of the attached “Population Health Data Brief Template” does not include all 14 items of county, state, or U.S. data for the selected country. WGU ARM1 — ARM1 TASK 1: POPULATION HEALTH DATA BRIEF PAPER |
COMPETENT The information provided in the “Health Factors Table” subsection of the attached “Population Health Data Brief Template” includes all 14 items of county, state, and U.S. data for the selected country. |
NOT EVIDENT Information is not provided in the “Comparison of Data” subsection of the attached “Population Health Data Brief Template.” |
APPROACHING COMPETENCE The information provided in the “Comparison of Data” subsection of the attached “Population Health Data Brief Template” does not include an analysis of background information on health rankings or the purpose of comparing county data to the top performers. Or the analysis does not include successes or challenges for the county when comparing county data to top U.S. performers and state data. |
COMPETENT The information provided in the “Comparison of Data” subsection of the attached “Population Health Data Brief Template” includes an analysis of background information on health rankings and the purpose of comparing county data to the top performers. And the analysis includes successes and challenges for the county when comparing county data to top U.S. performers and state data. |
NOT EVIDENT Information is not provided in the “Significant Finding(s)” subsection of the attached “Population Health Data Brief Template.” |
APPROACHING COMPETENCE The information provided in the “Significant Finding(s)” subsection of the attached “Population Health Data Brief Template” does not summarize 1 main health trend from part B that has the potential to be redirected by an action plan to significantly improve community health outcomes in the county. |
COMPETENT The information provided in the “Significant Finding(s)” subsection of the attached “Population Health Data Brief Template” summarizes 1 main health trend from part B that has the potential to be redirected by an action plan to significantly improve community health outcomes in the county. |
NOT EVIDENT Information is not provided in the “Action Plan(s)” subsection of the attached “Population Health Data Brief Template.” |
APPROACHING COMPETENCE The information provided in the “Action Plan(s)” subsection of the attached “Population Health Data Brief Template” does not include the initial steps needed for implementing an action plan to address the main health trend in part D1. Or, if supplementary health trends are identified in part D1, the initial steps needed for implementing an action plan to address those supplementary health trends in part D1 are not provided. |
COMPETENT The information provided in the “Action Plan(s)” subsection of the attached “Population Health Data Brief Template” includes the initial steps needed for implementing an action plan to address the main health trend in part D1. And, if supplementary health trends are identified in part D1, the initial steps needed for implementing an action plan to address those supplementary health trends in part D1 are provided. |
NOT EVIDENT Information is not provided in the “Services or Programs” subsection of the attached “Population Health Data Brief Template.” |
APPROACHING COMPETENCE The information provided in the “Services or Programs” subsection of the attached “Population Health Data Brief Template” does not include plausible services or programs that may be introduced in the county to address the identified health trend(s) from part D2. |
COMPETENT The information provided in the “Services or Programs” subsection of the attached “Population Health Data Brief Template” includes plausible services or programs that may be introduced in the county to address the identified health trend(s) from part D2. |
NOT EVIDENT Information is not provided in the “Raise Public Awareness and Promote Public Engagement” subsection of the attached “Population Health Data Brief Template.” |
APPROACHING COMPETENCE The information provided in the “Raise Public Awareness and Promote Public Engagement” subsection of the attached “Population Health Data Brief Template” does not describe 3 ways that the advanced professional nurse should use technology to integrate informatics into practice to raise public awareness and promote public engagement in the services or programs from part D2a. WGU ARM1 — ARM1 TASK 1: POPULATION HEALTH DATA BRIEF PAPER |
COMPETENT The information provided in the “Raise Public Awareness and Promote Public Engagement” subsection of the attached “Population Health Data Brief Template” describes 3 ways that the advanced professional nurse should use technology to integrate informatics into practice to raise public awareness and promote public engagement in the services or programs from part D2a. |
NOT EVIDENT Information is not provided in the “Monitoring and Evaluating Action Plan” subsection of the attached “Population Health Data Brief Template.” |
APPROACHING COMPETENCE The information provided in the “Monitoring and Evaluating Action Plan” subsection of the attached “Population Health Data Brief Template” does not plausibly summarize how the elements of the proposed action plan from parts D2a and D2b will be monitored. Or the summary does not include the data collection tools used to gather, evaluate, or visually represent data for analysis and reporting on progress. |
COMPETENT The information provided in the “Monitoring and Evaluating Action Plan” subsection of the attached “Population Health Data Brief Template” plausibly summarizes how the elements of the proposed action plan from parts D2a and D2b will be monitored. And the summary includes the data collection tools used to gather, evaluate, and visually represent data for analysis and reporting on progress. |
NOT EVIDENT Information is not provided in the “Data Sources & Methods” section of the attached “Population Health Data Brief Template.” |
APPROACHING COMPETENCE The information provided in the “Data Sources & Methods” section of the attached “Population Health Data Brief Template” does not include the sources used to gather data for the data brief. Or the section does not include a discussion of how each source was collected, or a link to the site where each source was found is not provided. |
COMPETENT The information provided in the “Data Sources & Methods” section of the attached “Population Health Data Brief Template” includes the sources used to gather data for the data brief. And the section includes a discussion of how each source was collected, and a link to the site where each source was found is provided. |
NOT EVIDENT The submission does not include in-text citations and references according to APA style for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized. |
APPROACHING COMPETENCE The submission includes in-text citations and references for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized but does not demonstrate a consistent application of APA style. |
COMPETENT The submission includes in-text citations and references for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized and demonstrates a consistent application of APA style. |
NOT EVIDENT Content is unstructured, is disjointed, or contains pervasive errors in mechanics, usage, or grammar. Vocabulary or tone is unprofessional or distracts from the topic. |
APPROACHING COMPETENCE Content is poorly organized, is difficult to follow, or contains errors in mechanics, usage, or grammar that cause confusion. Terminology is misused or ineffective. |
COMPETENT Content reflects attention to detail, is organized, and focuses on the main ideas as prescribed in the task or chosen by the candidate. Terminology is pertinent, is used correctly, and effectively conveys the intended meaning. Mechanics, usage, and grammar promote accurate interpretation and understanding. |
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2017). About Adult BMI. Retrieved from https://www.cdc.gov/healthyweight/assessing/bmi/adult_bmi/index.html