WGU C235 Performance Management Plan Assignment

WGU C235 Performance Management Plan Assignment

WGU C235 Performance Management Plan Assignment

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3040.01.4 : Talent Management The graduate develops the organization’s talent management programs, including career management, performance management, and leadership development. WGU C235 Performance Management Plan Assignment

3040.01.5 : Performance Management The graduate develops performance management and evaluation at an operational level.


Task 2: Performance Management Plan In today’s fast-paced business environment, one of the most important assets an organization has is its workforce. An organization’s sustainable competitive advantage is often based on its ability to not only attract high-quality talent but also continuously develop and improve the skills and knowledge base of the current employees. Human resource professionals continually seek ways to effectively establish and implement performance improvement plans that are effective, appropriate, and aligned to organizational goals. Such individuals ensure their employees have the most up-to-date skills, knowledge, and abilities needed to complete the organizational mission effectively. This is accomplished through employee training, talent management, and performance management plans. As a human resource professional, your ability to effectively plan and implement a performance management plan will directly contribute to your organization’s success.


You are the human resource manager of a midsize accounting firm. Mary Smith, a new accounting director within the firm, is concerned about how to coach an underperforming manager named John Miller, whom she oversees. A recent performance appraisal of John revealed that there were several areas that needed improvement. Mary is unsure of her next steps with John, and she has asked you to create a three-month performance management plan for him.


Your submission must be your original work. No more than a combined total of 30% of the submission and no more than a 10% match to any one individual source can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased from sources, even if cited correctly. An originality report is provided when you submit your task that can be used as a guide. https://tasks.wgu.edu/student/001169594/course/12180005/task/1139/overview#task Overview


1/5 9/14/2020 WGU Performance Assessment You must use the rubric to direct the creation of your submission because it provides detailed criteria that will be used to evaluate your work. Each requirement below may be evaluated by more than one rubric aspect. The rubric aspect titles may contain hyperlinks to relevant portions of the course. Tasks may not be submitted as cloud links, such as links to Google Docs, Google Slides, OneDrive, etc., unless specified in the task requirements. All other submissions must be file types that are uploaded and submitted as attachments (e.g., .docx, .pdf, .ppt). For this task, the file size of your submission must be no more than 200 MB. Your submission must be submitted as a Word, Pages, or PDF file. Your file name may only contain letters, numbers, spaces, and the following symbols: ! – _ . * ‘ ( )

A. Discuss the importance of setting performance expectations by doing the following: 1. Explain why it is beneficial for managers to set performance expectations with employees, including benefits for both managers and employees. 2. Describe the process that managers should follow when setting performance expectations with employees.

B. Develop a performance management plan for John by doing the following: 1. Describe two areas in which John can improve by comparing the criteria in the attached “Accounts Payable Manager Job Description” to the information in the attached “Performance Appraisal.” 2. Describe the steps John needs to take to improve in each area identified in part B1. 3. Describe how John’s progress will be evaluated for each step identified in part B2. 4. Describe specific outcomes that will demonstrate John’s success in each area of improvement identified in part B1. 5. Describe a consequence John would face for noncompliance in each of the steps identified for improvement in part B2. 6. Describe the final meeting that would take place between you, John, and Mary at the conclusion of the three-month performance management plan. Include the following discussion topics: • how to acknowledge progress made during the performance management plan • how to conclude the performance management plan, including next steps C. Acknowledge sources, using in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized. WGU C235 Performance Management Plan Assignment

D. Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission. File Restrictions File name may contain only letters, numbers, spaces, and these symbols: ! – _ . * ‘ ( ) File size limit: 200 MB File types allowed: doc, docx, rtf, xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx, odt, pdf, txt, qt, mov, mpg, avi, mp3, wav, mp4, wma, flv, asf, mpeg, wmv, m4v, svg, tif, tiff, jpeg, jpg, gif, png, zip, rar, tar, 7z



Rubric COMPETENT 2/5 9/14/2020 An explanation of why it is beneficial for managers to set performance expectations with employees is not provided, or the explanation does not include the benefits for both managers and employees. WGU Performance Assessment APPROACHING COMPETENCE The explanation discusses reasons why setting performance expectations with employees is The explanation discusses specific, logical reasons why setting performance expectations with employees is beneficial to both managers and employees. beneficial to both managers and employees, but the explanation includes 1 or more reasons that are not specific or are not logical.

A2:PROCESS OF SETTING EMPLOYEE EXPECTATIONS NOT EVIDENT COMPETENT A description of the process of APPROACHING COMPETENCE setting employee expectations is The described process includes logical and appropriate steps that not provided. steps that are illogical or inap- managers should take in setting propriate for managers to take performance expectations with in setting performance expecta- their employees. The described process includes tions with their employees. B1:AREAS OF IMPROVEMENT NOT EVIDENT COMPETENT A description of 2 areas in which APPROACHING COMPETENCE John can improve is not At least 1 of the 2 described ar- John can improve are aligned to provided. eas in which John can improve is the information found in the not aligned to the information attachments. The 2 described areas in which found in the attachments.

B2:STEPS FOR AREAS OF IMPROVEMENT NOT EVIDENT COMPETENT A description of the steps John APPROACHING COMPETENCE needs to take to improve in each The description details specific steps John needs to take to im- area is not provided. steps John needs to take to im- prove in each area identified in prove in each area identified in part B1. The steps are logical and part B1, but 1 or more steps are appropriate for each area of illogical or inappropriate for an improvement. The description details specific area of improvement. B3:EVALUATION OF PROGRESS NOT EVIDENT APPROACHING COMPETENCE https://tasks.wgu.edu/student/001169594/course/12180005/task/1139/overview#taskOverviewRubric COMPETENT 3/5 9/14/2020 WGU Performance Assessment A description of how John’s The description of how John’s The description of how John’s progress will be evaluated for progress will be evaluated for progress will be evaluated for each step identified in part B2 is each step identified in part B2 each step identified in part B2 in- not provided. includes at least 1 evaluation cludes logical evaluation meth- method that is not logical or is ods that are clearly stated. not clearly stated.

B4:BEHAVIORS THAT DEMONSTRATE SUCCESS NOT EVIDENT COMPETENT A description of specific out- APPROACHING COMPETENCE comes that will demonstrate The description of specific out- comes includes appropriate ac- John’s success is not provided. comes includes inappropriate tions and behaviors that will actions or behaviors, or it in- demonstrate John’s success in cludes outcomes that would not each area of improvement identi- demonstrate John’s success in fied in part B1. The description of specific out- each area of improvement identified in part B1. B5:CONSEQUENCES FOR NONCOMPLIANCE NOT EVIDENT COMPETENT A description of a consequence APPROACHING COMPETENCE John would face for noncompli- At least 1 of the described con- John would face for noncompli- ance in each of the steps identi- sequences John would face for ance in each of the steps identi- fied for improvement in part B2 noncompliance is inappropriate fied for improvement in part B2 is not provided. for the identified step. are appropriate for the identified The described consequences steps. WGU C235 Performance Management Plan Assignment

B6:FINAL MEETING NOT EVIDENT COMPETENT A description of the final meet- APPROACHING COMPETENCE ing is not provided. The description of the final ing is comprehensive, is appropri- meeting is not comprehensive, is ate for the given scenario, and ex- not appropriate for the given plains how to acknowledge scenario, or does not address progress made during the perfor- how to acknowledge progress mance plan. The description ad- made during the performance dresses how to conclude the per- plan. The description does not formance management plan and address how to conclude the details appropriate next steps for performance management plan, John. The description of the final meet- does not detail next steps for John, or details next steps for John that are inappropriate. https://tasks.wgu.edu/student/001169594/course/12180005/task/1139/overview#taskOverviewRubric 4/5 9/14/2020

WGU Performance Assessment C:SOURCES NOT EVIDENT COMPETENT The submission does not include APPROACHING COMPETENCE both in-text citations and a ref- The submission includes in-text citations for sources that are erence list for sources that are citations for sources that are properly quoted, paraphrased, or quoted, paraphrased, or quoted, paraphrased, or summa- summarized and a reference list summarized. rized and a reference list; how- that accurately identifies the au- ever, the citations or reference thor, date, title, and source loca- list is incomplete or inaccurate. tion as available. COMPETENT Content is unstructured, is dis- APPROACHING COMPETENCE jointed, or contains pervasive Content is poorly organized, is tail, is organized, and focuses on errors in mechanics, usage, or difficult to follow, or contains er- the main ideas as prescribed in grammar. Vocabulary or tone is rors in mechanics, usage, or the task or chosen by the candi- unprofessional or distracts from grammar that cause confusion. date. Terminology is pertinent, is the topic. Terminology is misused or used correctly, and effectively ineffective. conveys the intended meaning. The submission includes in-text D:PROFESSIONAL COMMUNICATION NOT EVIDENT Content reflects attention to de- Mechanics, usage, and grammar promote accurate interpretation and understanding.

SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS C235_Accounts_Payable_Manager_Job_Description_Task2_0218.docx C235_Performance_Appraisal_Task2_0218.docx https://tasks.wgu.edu/student/001169594/course/12180005/task/1139/overview#task OverviewRubric 5/5 …  WGU C235 Performance Management Plan Assignment